Aakaar Child Development Center
Occupational Therapy

What is Occupational Therapy:
Occupational therapy helps to restore, reinforce, enhance performance, and facilitate learning of skills to perform tasks essential to productive living.
What are the areas included under Occupational therapy?
The areas included are:
Occupational therapy helps to restore, reinforce, enhance performance, and facilitate learning of skills to perform tasks essential to productive living.
What are the areas included under Occupational therapy?
The areas included are:
Motor Skills: These include gross motor skills like walking, running, jumping and fine motor or hand skills like Grip, Pinch and in hand manipulation.
Posture Balance and Equilibrium Reactions: Muscle tone, Balance in sitting standing and walking.
Sensory Processing Disorder: These include:
Sensory Modulation Disorder: Sensory over responsivity (Hyperactive, Distractible); Sensory under responsivity (Fear of falling, Avoiding activities that require jumping, swinging); Sensory seeking or craving;
Sensory based motor disorders; Disorders in Posture and Bilateral Integration; Dyspraxia (Poor handwriting or writes very slowly, Problems with art projects, coloring / cutting /drawing etc., Difficulty with manipulation of small objects)
Handwriting Skills: Correct posture , correct letter formation, copying from the blackboard.
Self Care Skills like eating, dressing, toileting and grooming
Therapy takes place on a 1:1 basis or in an appropriate group setting in a room with equipment for varying movement and sensory experiences. The goal of therapy is not to teach skills, but to select and modify activities according to the child’s responses.
The goal of occupational therapy is to foster appropriate responses in an active, meaningful, and fun way so the child can develop strategies that help with adaptation or compensation for dysfunction. Effective occupational therapy thus enables children to take part in the normal activities of childhood, such as playing with friends, enjoying school, eating, dressing, and sleeping.
Therapy takes place on a 1:1 basis or in an appropriate group setting in a room with equipment for varying movement and sensory experiences. The goal of therapy is not to teach skills, but to select and modify activities according to the child’s responses.
The goal of occupational therapy is to foster appropriate responses in an active, meaningful, and fun way so the child can develop strategies that help with adaptation or compensation for dysfunction. Effective occupational therapy thus enables children to take part in the normal activities of childhood, such as playing with friends, enjoying school, eating, dressing, and sleeping.