Aakaar Child Development Center
Phonics Grammar Program

Age Group : 4 Years to 9 Years.
Format : Individual and group training.
Facilitators : Speech therapists and Educators.
Format : Individual and group training.
Facilitators : Speech therapists and Educators.
- Early learning program.
- To develop pre-requistes.
- Reading Skills.
- Early grammatical forms for English Language Development.
- Formulating Sounds and phonemes to read a word.
- Enhancing expressive and public speaking Skills.
- To identify strength and weakness of students in Phonics and reading Skills
Six Stages Of Phonics Development
Phase 1 : Introducing the child to different Kinds of sounds.
Phase 2 : Learning 19 letters of the alphabet and sound of each.
Blending together to make words. Segments words into sound. Phase 3 : Learning to read blends. Reading Captions, Sentences and questions.
Phase 4 : Learn to blend and segment Longer words with adjacent consonant.
Phase 5 : The “Complex Code” learn more grammatical structures to read with the help of already acquired reading skills.
Phase 6 : Working on spelling including prefixes and suffixes doubling and dropping letters etc.
Factors Affecting Spoken English.
Blending together to make words. Segments words into sound. Phase 3 : Learning to read blends. Reading Captions, Sentences and questions.
Phase 4 : Learn to blend and segment Longer words with adjacent consonant.
Phase 5 : The “Complex Code” learn more grammatical structures to read with the help of already acquired reading skills.
Phase 6 : Working on spelling including prefixes and suffixes doubling and dropping letters etc.
Factors Affecting Spoken English.
- Poor vocabulary.
- Poor communication skills, fails to make conversation.
- Lack in practice.
- Too anxious/ unable to handle fears.
- Loss of words.